Music Therapy Can Provide Natural Anxiety Relief And Treat Depression

As you load your personal soundtrack onto your iPod, include a medley of relaxing music to take the edge off stress. However, if you can find the time on a regular basis to sit quietly, clear your mind and focus only on your breathing, chasing thoughts away if they arise, you'll find it does wonders for how you feel. Focusing on listening to notes, rather than concentrating on worries, can leave you feeling refreshed and calm.

According to Dr. David Lewis-Hodgson of Mindlab International, which conducted the research, the top track to produce a greater state of relaxation than any other music tested to date was Weightless” by Marconi Union, which you can listen to below. The repetition frees the mind to feel the music rather than analyze it.

Many times, the brain stores emotion alongside memories - if a song makes you blue, you might remember a time when you were really sad, and that song came on the radio, virtually anchoring itself to that sad feeling. Not only does it help to fend off your body's fight or flight response to stress, but it also helps you to focus and manage your stress and anxiety.

Sometimes all it takes is listening to soothing music to calm you down. Many people listen to music when they are trying to focus or relax, whether it's hip hop, the twinkling sounds of wind chill study music chimes, or the background music in elevators. More and more doctors are beginning to recommend this therapy as part of medical treatment of a lot of health problems such as Arthritis, Fibromylagia, Hypertension and musculoskeletal problems.

The scientists tested how classical music and nature sounds affect levels of cortisol and alpha-amylase levels of people who listened to classical music went back to normal more quickly compared to the people listening to nature sounds. ALPHA brain waves (8 to 14 hertz): Listening to music around 60 BPM's can cause the brain to synchronize with the beat, resulting in alpha brainwaves.

Lienhard (as cited in Peters, 1987), also discusses the integral part that music therapy can play as an adjunct to group therapy in stress treatment programmes. Some scientific studies were made for stress relief music. People love listening to music. I'm sure you've heard of aromatherapy for stress relief, but aromatherapy can also be used to actually help ease anxieties and help us to sleep and keep on sleeping when we are having troubles getting enough rest.

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